This egg is from the Nói Síríus candy company (makers of the delicious Opal licorice) and is the Nr.7. The bigger the number, the bigger the egg. I think this one is the biggest one they sell, it weights 750 grams and costs about 30 dollars in the supermarket...
So, here is the egg with its structural integrity intact:

And here it is a few seconds later:

That's quite a bit of candy.
I love paskaa eggs... in fact a friend has been mailing them to me for the fast few years.
I you have friends in the US you'd like to send them to, Noi Sirius ships them out :)
almost forgot...
did you know that they sell Skyrr, Icelandic Butter, Icelandic Kvitostur (sp?), Icelandic Lamb (August-October) and supposedly paskaeggs... at Whole Foods????
damn after seeing your pictures, I turned down an egg offer this year thinking I may get one from WF
I'd say that's a size four. Or five.
No really, it is a size 7!
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