It took less than 3 months, but we're now certified front-cover Icelandic celebrities. We're on the cover of a newsletter named Fólk! It's the publication of the Alþjóðahús, the Intercultural center. It comes out a few times year, and it's distributed for free.
Over a month ago they had an event where they were selling t-shirts with slogans (in Icelandic) such as "I am 'those people'", "I am of foreign descent", "I am the workforce", etc... This was pre-election time, after the debate on immigration had gotten a bit sour, so they were doing this as a kind of "immigrant pride" thing.
We went there because Jó wanted to buy one of the t-shirts (they had beer specials too, since it was in a cafe). So at one point they asked all the people who got shirts to go outside of the cafe for a minute to take a group picture. I was dragged along despite telling them I had not bought a shirt, and a few pictures were taken.
Then last week we saw this cover. We're in the low right corner! It's pretty easy, I'm the one with a different shirt and Jó is next to me :).
Of course, we won't really have made it into Icelandic society until we make the cover of Séð og Heyrt*.
* that's Iceland's #1 gossip magazine
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